Jack Russell in flower meadow

The benefits of Spring – for you and your dog

Not that you probably need reminding, but Spring is a joyful season in which there is new life, more life, and fresh hope (& hops). Here are some of the benefits it provides to you and your dog.

More social activity

Your dog is a ticket to some casual socialising as you go on your walks, where you can meet fellow owners, neighbours, or passing strangers that think your pooch is just lovely.  More interaction will make bring more positivity, which along with the smells of Spring to bring a spring in your step. 

Stuck for musical ideas to walk your dog to? Here’s a dog-walking playlist!

Vitamin D

While your out there, you’ll be picking up rays of light. We share many things in common with our dogs, as each season reminds us. With the coming of spring, we get sunnier days, and with it-  more vitamin D, produced from exposure to UV light. Sometimes called the sunshine vitamin’, D helps keep your and your canine friend’s bones and muscles healthy.

Healthier skin

Winter makes for dry skin, for us and our dogs, while in spring the winter coat is shed in preparation for the summer.  Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are said to help keep the coat healthy during this time, and can be given as supplements.

More plentiful fresh food

More vegetables and fruit that are good for your dog means healthier dinner enhancements and treats.  Kale, carrots, broccoli, and spinach are all agreeable.  Make sure to chop them into small pieces.  You could either blanch them – putting them in boiling hot water and then cold water.  This keeps the vitamins and flavour

Get rid of winter blues

December and January months usually bring little sun.  Research suggests that Dogs as well as humans, can suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – a type of winter depression. However, during March and April, lighter mornings can lead to more socialising, as well as gained benefits from nature in spring. An increase in Vitamin D (as mentioned above) also helps see off the winter blues for both you and your pet.

Check out these other Spring-related articles: Spring poisons in the garden, How to manage dog shedding.

Looking to give your dog something amazing each month? Try our themed boxes!

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