DIY Fresh Farm Treats (This Time with Chicken)

In the April WufMag to our subscribers, we included a DIY fresh farm treats chicken recipe, and somehow your editor left the chicken behind. It became a vegan recipe. Luckily one of our subscribers spotted this, so allow me to take this opportunity to give the full version as we intended.

Celebrate the farming life…

…with this with this easy to prepare chicken recipe for dogs. You will need:

  • Silicone moulds
  • A cup of finely chopped chicken (no bones!)
  • ยฝ cup of cooked rice
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 3 tablespoons flour


  • Heat the oven to about 350F
  • Put ingredients in the bowl, mix and stir.
  • Place in the silicone moulds.
  • Oven cook for between 20 and 30 minutes, for the tops to become golden brown.
  • Allow to cool, and remove from their moulds.

You can now serve the fresh farm treats to your lucky dog!

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