Heart Melting Head Tilts

They can get anything they want with their adorable head tilts, don’t you think?

1. Can I have five more treatos for the perfect angle of this headtilt, pleaaaaase?

Photo by hutchtheshepsky from Instagram

2. Can I have all the treats at once, pleaaaaase!?

Photo by dexterandroxypugs from Instagram

3. Mum, can you tell him that the only pet in the house is me,pleaaaaase!?

Photo by thehotdogsausages from Instagram

4.  I want to roll in mud, get dirty and smell like nacho cheese doritos!

Photo by pangpangthepug from Instagram

5. Can I go out with my new, tiny, nerdy, and kind of weird friend,pleaaaaase!?

Photo by mydogisaweirdo from Instagram

6. May I eat the steak you prepared for the guests, pleaaaaaase!?

Photo by levy_the_doggo fromInstagram

7. Can you give me a belly rub for 4 hours, pleaaaaase!?

Photo by usshelterpets from Instagram

8. Dad, let’s go out chasing girls! Pleaaaaase!?

Photo by dylan.the.dogue from Instagram

9. I really don’t need any more freckles, can you get me a parasol,pleaaaase!?

Photo by stanleyandbernie from Instagram

10. Can we subscribe for another WufWuf box, pleaaaaase!?

Photo by arlo_floof from Instagram

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