Is Your Dog Happy?

As human beings, it is easy for us to express our emotions since we are able to talk. But when it comes to our beloved dogs, to make sense of their behaviours can be challenging from time to time.

To get to know them more, monitoring their everyday behaviours carefully and realizing their repetitive reactions to certain circumstances is important.

Here are some tips to understand whether your dog is happy or not:

  • Sleeping habits tells about their moods. Dogs sleep long hours(15-16 hours a day) during a day. A carefree, long night sleep shows us they are relaxed. If they wake up frequently and change their spot, something might be wrong.
Photo by Andre Deak from Flickr
  • A healthy appetite is another sign of happy dogs. If your dog gets excited on mealtimes and snarfs it down, everything is on the track.
Photo sventhegoldenretriever from Instagram
  • A happy dog’s hair should be bright and healthy. Their moods affect their hair conditions. Stressful dogs shed more hairs comparing to normal times.
Photo by pawsofshire from Instagram
  • Their body language is the most powerful sign of their happiness. High and waggy tails, floppy ears (upright ears are a sign of alertness) are best-known indicators of a content dog. Also, if your dog leans into you it shows that it enjoys your company.
Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Flickr
  • Dogs normally enjoy playtimes and walks although they all slow down as a part of their ageing process. A reluctant and abnormally quiet dog might be a sign of illness.
Photo by atka.the.husky from Instagram

In addition to these tips, we know two exact ways to make your dog happy.

First one is to keep yourself happy if you want to make your dog happy. As scientific studies support the idea, dogs are sensitive to “emotional contagion” which means they are able to sense whether you feel happily or poorly. Your mood affects them.

And the other way is, as our experiences support the idea, giving them their super fun WufWuf boxes.

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