How to Help Your Cat Get Through the Fireworks Season

Itโ€™s October… that means one thing – fireworks season is upon us. While we can welcome fluffy socks, open fires and cosy nights in, it also means the arrival of many, many evenings of fireworks.

Some cats take fireworks in their stride, but most do not. There are a few things you can do to help your cat get through the season as stress free as possible.

1. If you know there will be fireworks, keep your cat in, if you can. Cats can get spooked and run off or run across roads they would normally never approach when they hear fireworks, potentially getting lost or injured.

2. Get your cat used to the sound of fireworks beforehand by playing the sound of fireworks on your phone or computer. Start with a couple of minutes of a very low volume and gradually increase the volume and the length of time if your cat is not frightened. Start now, it may take weeks to get your cat used to the noise – but only continue if your cat is not stressed by the sound.

3. Make sure your cat has lots of safe and cosy hiding spots to hide in when they are frightened – give your cat hiding places that are both on the floor level and up high.

4. Stock up on treats and favourite foods to distract your cat when fireworks are going on.

5. Don’t force your cat to cuddle, you may think this is comforting for them, but most cats will feel safer if they are hiding – it’s not purrsonal, they still love you, give them space and let them know you are there for them if they do want to come to you for comfort.

About the Author

I have worked as a vet in cat-only practice since 2013. I am particularly passionate about setting new cat owners up for success by providing them with the information they need right from the start.

In 2021 I saw the need for a resource cat owners could use at home, but I could not find one that existed, so I created All Cats – informational videos for cat owners covering a range of topics.

Dr. Eleanor Flynn – @allcatsvet

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