How Can I Keep My Cat Safe at Halloween? – Dr Mew

Greetings cat-keepers, I’m Dr Mew – your time travelling cat-doctor! I received this question last week from one of our MyMeow subscribers:

‘How can I keep my cat safe at Halloween?’

It’s not such a scary deal, but while it can be fun for kids and families, Halloween is often disturbing for pets. There are loud noises, doorbells ringing, and general noise. Here are some considerations you can make to ensure Halloween is safe for your cat.


Being around strangers and loud noises can be distressing, so create a safe room for your cat where it won’t be disturbed by visitors or party guests. Make sure there is enough space, that it is relatively quiet, and there is enough water. You can also leave some treats, for example, homemade spooky pumpkin ones!

Chocolate and Sweets

Make sure you have these hidden or out of reach from your pets. While dogs make up 95% of emergency pet calls due to eating chocolate, there is also the occasional cat. While not fatal, chocolate and candy can give them a stomach ache, being lactose intolerant.


When it comes to decorations (including illuminated pumpkins), it is better to use battery-powered flickering lights, rather than candles. Dancing flames attract curious cats, which is a potential problem – a stray candle could cause damage either to the pet or the house! As well as this, all electrical cords should be out of the way, and anything that your cat could grab, play with, and accidentally eat should be secure.


Some owners like to dress up their cats for special occasions, but not all cats like it – so play it by ear. Do not force your cat to wear something it doesn’t want to!

Mostly, we recommend you save the costumes for the humans. Cats are cute enough as they are.

If you want Halloween themed surprises and other monthly themed boxes for your cat, consider subscribing to MyMeow!

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