Must-have items for your puppy – #2 in ‘teach’ your dog series

In our first post of the series, we mentioned the need for preparation before your puppy enters your household. Here are 5 must-have items for your puppy in those early days.


As mentioned in this previous post, good size collar is an important bit of preparation for your new pup.  With a nylon buckle collar, you can put your fingers between neck and collar. Leashes come in different sizes and types.  You need to have one that will last. Nylon leashes can withstand tension.  You can also get a flexi-tape leash, which is retractable and can allow you to adjust the length over time.

Here are some other important items to have ready.

Chewy toys

Puppies need to chew. We recommend the Trixie Dentafun rubber ball toy (in mint flavour) to keep your dog’s breath fresh while providing something really chewable.

Trixie dentafun toy


These come in different sizes and types. You will need one that will last. Nylon leashes can withstand tension.  Flexi-tape leashes are retractable, which can allow you to adjust the length overtime for when it knows a few things.

Poop scooper

Not picking up the poop is a fine-able offence in the UK. Luckily, there are many available items that can help make this necessary activity fairly clinical. Items like this mean you will be able to do it without your hands going anywhere near the poop, or having to smell it.

More toys!

You’ll need a variety of safe toys designed with puppies in mind. Then give them to your puppy at different times (such as every few days), rather than all at once. You’ll find a good selection on our online store.

Bed / somewhere to sleep

The best place for a puppy to sleep is a crate. This will become his / her own safe and personal space. They come in various forms: wire ones that fold, portable and plastic, ones that look like furniture, and more heavy-duty ones. Remember this is a bed, not a playroom, so make sure you get one in the appropriate size, but to allow for a few months growth.

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