Outdoor Activities for Your Dog – 5 things you can do.

Routines can often overwhelm us, so adding adventurous moments to our lives will help us to feel refreshed. Spending quality time with your dog will create a stronger your bond between you, and give you cherished memories. Here are five outdoor activities for your dog, that you’ll be glad you did.

Therefore, you just need to find enough time and energy to take your dog exploring.

Walking and hiking.

When you have the time, a hiking trip with your dog can open up new sights, scents,and sounds, which is bound to boost your mood, and your dog’s level of contentment. Every time you go on a trip try a new route and observe your dog’s excitement 🙂 Make sure you bring enough food and water (and be prepared for a lack of nearby shops!) for you and your dog. You might also want to consider taking a lightweight but strong backpack.

Photo by pet_ventures by Instagram

Of course, you may not have time for such lengthy breaks, then considering going walking somewhere shady and leafy. Most big cities in the UK have parks that you can go to. Joyden’s wood, London is one example.

“Faesten Dic, Joydens Wood” by Richard C is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


Photo by adventures_with_skipper by Instagram

Imagine you and your dog are out hiking, and discover a waterfall during your hiking trips. That would be pretty cool. You’d be able to neatly go from one outdoor activity to another. Therefore, you might want to consider going somewhere where you can combine these activities, if not hiking then maybe near a beach or a ravine

Getting wet. Photo by Andrew James

Bicycle riding

Is your dog still wanting more after its regular walks? Then you might want to consider a bicycle ride with your dog as another fun option. If you have a high-energy, enduring dog you might have found your perfect companion for your own fresh-air workout.

Photo by marieeve.rou by Instagram


How tempting is the thought of sharing hotdogs around a campfire. A camping trip could be done as a a double with hiking or on its own. Don’t let the thought of wanting to go outward bounding, but wondering who will look after the dog. Take your best friend with you

Dog in campervan, courtesy of Camping with dogs


You may be surprised to hear that doing this in the UK with your dog is not as difficult as you might think. You can hire them from the Canoesmoos company, which is so named because the canoes look like cows. You’ll be able to row with your dear pup, and share the view and experience together.

You know your dog better than anyone, so please ensure your dog’s safety when considering outdoor activities for your dog. Maintain the necessary pieces of equipment for its health. Remember to consider your dog’s temperament and level of training, before deciding to experience a particular outdoor activity.


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